In our website, we have provided links to external wesbites for our patients and others to access. These external links and sites are created and maintained by other public and private organisations. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information.
We are interested in the privacy and safety of our visitors. Our website contains a form through which users can request a service, information or provide feedback to us and, telephone numbers, email addresses or postal addresses are required so that we can provide requested information to you. While every attempt has been made to ensure that our website is secure, users should be aware that the World Wide Web is still in a public network that gives rise to a potential risk that a user’s information are being viewed, intercepted or modified by third parties.
The Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinic and associated parties accept no liability for any interference with or damage to a user’s electronic computing system, software or data which is generated in connection with this website. All users are encouraged to take appropriate and adequate precautions to ensure that whatever is selected from this website is free of viruses or other contamination that may interfere with or damage the user’s computer system, software or data.